To a Foggy Morning — Poetry Friday

It is rainy, foggy, and gray this morning.

I am sitting in my studio drinking a second cup of coffee and wishing the sun would come out to drive the gray away. The awful weather reminded me of an Emily Dickinson poem I had set aside for my youngest to memorize:

     The Sun and Fog contested
     The Governance of Day —
     The Sun took down his Yellow Whip
     And drove the Fog away –

Head over to Hey, Jim Hill! for more of this week’s Poetry Friday Roundup.

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15 Responses to To a Foggy Morning — Poetry Friday

  1. Linda Baie says:

    We’re having some snowy time today, so a perfect poem to wish for that sun and its whip. Best to you, too for a little sunshine!

    • kczaja says:

      My kids would sure love some snow… the grass is green again here and we haven’t been sledding yet. A snowy, sunny day would be perfect.

  2. Pingback: Poetry Friday Roundup – 1/27/12

  3. Wish I could send you over some of our Southern sun today! Love the Dickenson poem – thanks for sharing.

  4. jama says:

    Hooray for Mr. Sun! He returned to us after a rainy day yesterday. Can you believe they delayed school earlier this week because of fog? It wasn’t even that thick . . .

    • kczaja says:

      I don’t think we’ve ever had a fog delay… but so far this year we have has snow, flood, hurricane, and power outage delays so nothing would surprise me.

  5. Laura Shovan says:

    Hi, Katya. We had fog here last night, too. I just read a YA novel, “I Never Came to You in White,” about Emily Dickinson’s year at a girls’ academy. Highly recommended.

  6. D. Smith says:

    Sunny yesterday, but the rain and fog won today! Love Emily Dickinson. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Gloomy gray mornings – we get very few of those here in sunny Singapore. Dickinson is indeed a perfect match for overcast skies. :)

  8. Tara says:

    Emily won out yesterday in our neck of the woods…an hour before the school day was out, the sun did indeed “take down his yellow whip” – to much joy in my classroom!

  9. Mary Lee says:

    “The sun took down his yellow whip” in Ohio yesterday. It was AMAZING how the sunshine lifted my mood after soooooo many days of rain and gloom!

  10. I just can never get over Miss Emily’s genius. There are so many poems about the soft cozy warmth of the sun, but her sun whips and drives, and that’s exactly what I feel fog deserves (after the first exciting 5 minutes). Thanks for this!

  11. kczaja says:

    The sun took out his yellow whip on Saturday here, to much jubilation.
    @Mary I find I get so much more done on sunny days. On cloudy days I just want to hide with a cup of coffee and a book.