
I’m a bit late posting my sketch this week because I have been playing around with drawing skiing penguins and they are not quite ready to go on the blog. And I haven’t really had as much time to sketch as I would like this week. Gotta work on actually prioritizing those priorities!
I was flipping through the sketchbook and remembered doing this back in October. I’m pretty happy with how it came out:

I also did a miniature that I am even more happy with:

This is acrylic paint over gesso on a scrabble tile.

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One Response to Windy

  1. Linda Baie says:

    I just started looking at your blog & then noticed the sketching pages-so lovely. My school does much with journaling, on trips & at school as well. I will share some of your sketches with the students! As I love autumn, this leaf really pleased me. thanks!