Mother Reader 48hr Book Challenge, Day 1

Woo hoo! The starting line is here… I’m starting off with Dashner’s The Maze Runner.

**** 1st Update, ~4 hours ****
The Maze Runner (3.5hr reading, 15 min reviewing)

Maze Runner was great. It started a little slowly but after 80 pages the pace picked up and I couldn’t put the book down. The slowly unfolding mystery kept me turning e-pages quickly. I don’t want to give the plot away, but if you enjoy dystopian sci fi mysteries, read this book.

The Maze Runner’s biggest downfall was that it is a plot-driven book at the expense of characterization. The characters are flat. They don’t really grow or change. They are interesting but not intriguing so I didn’t connect with them emotionally (like I did with Ender or Katniss or Sean). I didn’t worry the characters might get hurt. I don’t grieve when they died.

I will definitely read book 2.

But not right now. Right now I need to clear my head, have another cup of coffee, and read something light.

I started Flanagan’s last book in the Ranger’s Apprentice Series yesterday, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja, so I think I might go finish that as a palate cleanser.

**** 2nd Update, ~6 hours ****
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja (2 hr reading, 15 min reviewing)
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja is the 10th (and final) book of the Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan.
This was a satisfying ending to a long, enjoyable series. The whole cast gets back together for an epic adventure. I only wish the Skandians had played more of a role in the final showdown.

The plots and characters have gotten a wee predictable 10 books in, but they are still enjoyable. John Flanagan tells a solid story. It’s hard to pull off a 10 book series where each book contributes to the whole but is also satisfying on its own… and while there were a few books I enjoyed less than the others (I’m looking at you, book 7), there were no real duds. The icing on the cupcake was the satisfying wrapup of the series that is book 10. Unexpected? No. But warm and comfortingly familiar like a bowl of chicken soup. Which reminds me… I should take a break for lunch.

Now what should I read next?

**** 3rd Update, ~10 hours ****
(2.5 hrs reading, 45 mins book on tape, 45 min social)
Mid-afternoon I had to take a break to get kids to rehearsals and practices but I got in 45 minutes of The Amulet of Samarkand as I drove the kids around and did a little reading during the dress rehearsal.

Back at home I wanted something light and engaging that would keep me up but not too late so I’m reading Herbie Brennan’s Faerie Wars.
I’ll probably get a couple more hours of reading in tonight making my 12 hour goal for the day — woo hoo.

**** 4th Update, ~12 hours ****
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan (4hrs reading, 368 pgs, 15 mins reviewing, finished yesterday.
Faerie Wars was a good evening pick. It was fast-paced, entertaining, and funny. I didn’t love it quite as much as I loved Artemis Fowl because the characters and their motivations didn’t as fully realized and believable. Also, the mom-dad-divorce plotline seemed extraneous — I’m not sure what it added to the book. Readable and enjoyable, if you finished Artemis Fowl and want more high-tech fairy hijinks, read it.

Day 1 Total: 11.75 hour: 9.5 hrs reading, 45 minutes book-on-tape, 45 min social, 45 min reviewing

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14 Responses to Mother Reader 48hr Book Challenge, Day 1

  1. Susan says:

    You are off to an early start! I loved The Maze Runner, hope you enjoy it. Happy reading!

  2. Linda Baie says:

    Good luck & happy reading, Katya. Fun weekend!

    • kczaja says:

      Thanks! Maybe I’ll get over to Poetry Friday once the reading challenge is over.

  3. Stella says:

    Happy Reading!! I look forward to reading your review. I heard great things about this book!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my starting post! I like how you’re doing each day in one long, periodically-updated post. I think I’ll copycat your format so I don’t spam my own blog with a bunch of posts. :)

    I still have Maze Runner on my to-read list. Most people I talk to loved it, but I’ve talked to a couple who didn’t like it…I’ll have to read it to find out what the fuss is about!

    Good luck in the 48hbc!!

  5. Muttix says:

    I’m going to check out Maze Runner. That’s how I like my dystopian, edgy enough to keep me interested but not involved enough to start a crying jag.

    If you like YA dystopian, I’m currently reading Wither by Lauren DeStefano and so far (page 78) so good. Interesting world with only the main character really fleshed out at this point.

    Happy reading!! Keep up the good work!

  6. Emily C says:

    I’m off to add Maze Runner to my TBR list, it sounds right up my alley…I’ve been reading a lot of dystopian lately.

  7. Jen Robinson says:

    The single updated post is nice. I might try that next year.

    I enjoyed the Maze Runner, but I loathed the second book – had to stop not very far in – too much gore without … anything else. Perhaps it gets better, though. I was listening on audio, and am not very patient.

    Anyway, enjoy the challenge!

    • kczaja says:

      I think sometimes it is easier to read a book like that than to listen to it on tape — when you’re reading you can skim the gory bits. Disappointing to hear you didn’t enjoy the second book, after reading the first I was really looking forward to the second.

  8. charlotte says:

    Maze Runner was a great choice–fast and furious and undemanding! I hope your reading keeps going well!

  9. Liviania says:

    Wow, you started early! I hope to make at least 12 hours today too – but I’m aiming for even more.

    I hope you enjoy Faerie Wars. It’s an old favorite.