I’ve tried to NaNoWriMo almost every year since 2002 and every year some bizarre turn of events interfered with my plans. One year we had 10 days notice to move to Oz. Another year we moved to CT but the move went terribly wrong and we lived in of a 1br residential hotel for 6 weeks. Another year my son broke his arm. I could go on…
This year was the closest I have gotten. Despite a rather crazy October (Pickle got a concussion that wiped out two weeks, I lacerated my eyeball which wiped out another) I was almost ready — I had a premise, a couple of character, and the roughest outline of a plot. I was going to spent the weekend outlining and then I would be ready to go on Tuesday. Bwa ha ha.
The Universe realized that it needed to do something spectacular to prevent my participation — Snowtober (aka, Snowpocalypse). 10 days without power or heat, followed by sick kids, followed by days of cleaning, chainsawing, and hauling brush. It’s now Nov. 16th and I am getting back to my computer for the first time since Oct. 28th. No NaNo.
During the power outage, standing and shivering in my 44 F kitchen, I realized this whole storm was my fault. I’m sorry.
I get it. The Universe really, really, REALLY does not want me to do NaNo. So I cry mercy. Next year I won’t even try, Ok? Just let me have a peaceful October and November, please.