I’m a bit late posting my sketch this week because I have been playing around with drawing skiing penguins and they are not quite ready to go on the blog. And I haven’t really had as much time to sketch as I would like this week. Gotta work on actually prioritizing those priorities!
I was flipping through the sketchbook and remembered doing this back in October. I’m pretty happy with how it came out:
I also did a miniature that I am even more happy with:
This is acrylic paint over gesso on a scrabble tile.
#48hbc accident acrylic audiobooks birds composition dyeing dyeing formula Elizabeth Bishop Emily Dickinson flowers Gearbox gluten-free Hugo Hugo2015 humor indie books ink It's Monday What Are You Reading James Dashner journal quilt Linocut Longfellow Maze Runner MotherReader 48 Book Challenge 2012 MotherReader 48 Book Challenge 2015 mushroom original poems Pigma Micron poetry Poetry Friday Procion MX quilting Ray Bradbury reading review Sci-fi scouts Screen printing shibori sketch surface design watercolor WIP zentangle